Toe beanz

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The cutest little coin with the most avid community of cats and cat lovers around!
Toe beans are not exclusive to cats but if you're a serious cat lover and enthusiast you know that cat's toe beans are irresistible! These soft padded things on the bottom of your cat's paws are oh-so-squeezable and there's more to those beans than just what make us cat lovers go nuts!

So flick the bean, boop the snoot and join in the community!
Also ... Send TOE BEANS! (No human feet)
If your toe beans are selected to add to the site, you receive an airdrop.
Send your SOL Wallet address with your toe beans.


*Total supply: 1 billion tokens

*100% LP Burned

*NO TAXES! (no slippage requirements)


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Send your SOL wallet address and toe beans to and we might select them

Toe beans: Did you know?

Toe beans are not only the irresistibly squeezable cute part of a cat but they are important!

Toe beans have an important job. They are where the cats house their claws! Even though the claws are keratine and bone they're retractable. If you press the toe-bean button you can gently push your cat's claws out!

Cats land on their feet, right on their squishy toe beans! The toe beans have a lot of fatty tissue which acts as shock absorbers!

Cats are sneaky little sneakers (most of the time)! By walking on the "tiptoes" of their beanies they silently prowl or stalk their prey!

Did you know that cats can sweat?! But only from their little toe beans! Ever notice toe bean prints on your car? That is because during high heat or stress a cat sweats through its pads and during these times it can produce little wet paw prints!

In addition to the sweat glands cats also have scent glands in their pads. Their toe beans release their smell as they scratch. Some experts think this is why cats "knead" - to release their scent!

And now you know!